Snowy, 14 Jul 07
Some great news to share:
6 panel test - Snowy's kidneys and liver are normal. She is also not diabetic.
FeLV and FIV test - All negative .
Here are further updates:
Snowy's lower jaw is actually loose at the middle (mandibular symphysis) but this is not very serious. She is still able to eat. The team at the vet is hand feeding her still as Snowy cannot stand firm enough to finish her food. It is observed that while Snowy eats, she will produce this sound as if she's biting her teeth - this could be due to injury to her head or jaw muscles. Dr. H said she will continue to monitor.
The wounds on Snowy's head is drying up and healing with dead pieces slowly peeling off. Dr. H suspects her skin outbreak on the head could be due to traumatic injury as she rubbed against the cages.
There are also new skin scabs on Snowy's toes - a condition called vasculitis which means that her blood vessels are affected with immune complexes and these cause the infection and scabs. The outbreak of scabs could be related to really stressful circumstances (reduced immune system), toxins (but there is no known history) or even unknown viral infections.
Dr. H noted that Snowy is getting stronger, able to stand and walk, but observed that she is walking in circles. G and I noticed that as well during our visit. See clips.
Clip 1: Snowy walking in circles.
Clip 2: Snowy collapsed from giddiness, from the circling. G gave her words of support.
Snowy is also snorting and sneezing. The nasal discharge is not as much as last time but she will sneeze more when being fed. Her eyes are clear, not teary.
"Also my nurses mentioned to me regarding the donations for Snowy. It is great that there are many kind souls out there. : ) I will try my best to help Snowy to get her better. She is fighting really hard to survive and I hope she can make quick and full recovery." - Dr. H
Thank you everyone who chipped in to help with Snowy's medical bills and to Dr. H and her loving team who showered so much TLC on Snowy. We are deeply grateful.
Our next visit in on 18 Jul, Wed. More updates then.
I am a cat lover myself and owns 3 cats. its really heartwarming to read what you have done for snowy. Keep up the good job! My heart aches for snowy but I can see she's a really brave cat. With the good medical care she's getting I hope she will get better soon...
Thanks for the great news, Celeste!
Gets better and better, Snowy!
so glad to see snowy is recovering well. any plan for she when she is better to be released from the vet, i think she will not be suitable to be back in the street again.
Happy for Snowy. Thanks God !
I pray she will have a speedy recovery. Glad that snowy cross your path.
Thanks for all the encouraging words! Snowy is a brave girl. I hope she'll recover soon. Of cos, we hope not to put her back onto the streets - we'll try our very best to rehome her... pls help us look out for good loving home for Snowy.
Snowy is beautiful. Hope she recovers soon!
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