Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A very nice vet!

I just spoke to another vet regarding Velvet. He is such a nice vet! Very patient and gave me very clear explanation and diagnosis. I decided that I will consult him in future, whenever possible.

Apparently because Velvet's second sutures was done only on Mon morning, it is quite normal for Velvet to suffer from constipation as a result of the stitch. He also mentioned that Velvet's case maybe a congenital rectal problem. He suggested I give Velvet an oral medication to soften his stools to ease the strain and possibly discomfort. I will drop by the clinic to buy the medication this evening and pass it to foster mummy following that. The alternative to a more permanent solution to Velvet's possible relapse is to do a surgery (requires opening up of the stomach) which will cost a lot more.

I'll bring Velvet to the very nice vet tomorrow evening for the removal of the sutures. I hope it's not gonna cost a lot!

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This is what I found on the internet:

"When rectal prolapse recurs there are two options. The first is a surgery known as colopexy. In this case, an incision is made into the abdomen similar to the incision made for spay surgery. The colon is identified and then retracted along one side of the muscular body wall. Sutures are placed through the colon wall and into the muscle layer to secure the colon to the body wall. Doing this prevents the rectum from prolapsing because it is attached to the colon and kept inside the body by the fixation of the colon. This works pretty well. It is sometimes necessary to repeat this surgery because of insufficient fixation to the body wall or because the rectum persists in stretching and attempting to prolapse again because the underlying cause of the problem has not been identified or can not be controlled. If the rectal tissue is damaged too severely to do a colopexy it is sometimes necessary to amputate the diseased portion of the rectum. This works better than it sounds like it would work but it does sometimes lead to blockages of the rectum by scarring or incontinence due to insufficient function of the remaining rectal tissue. If the cat's life is threatened by the prolapse it may be the best choice, though."

More info here:

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