Wednesday, October 11, 2006


So are the vets and nurses.

Maomao did it AGAIN today! She ripped her collar off despite having her paws bandaged and elastoplasted. Her wound got so big Dr. H has to re-stitch her. This means, she'll stay longer.

I am going to the vet tonight with Uncle Y to see how we can anti-rip Maomao's collar.

M suggested I first put on a normal cat collar (with normal buckle) then hook the e-collar to the cat collar with ribbons tied with dead knots. This is what she did for her cat who has fits. And the collar stayed on for a good 2 years.



cat_aunty said...

Oh no.

Just a suggestion. If it is not a great danger to discharge Maomao, is it possible to let her out? As in, discharge her so she can recover on her own turf? Maybe she is frustrated too, hence all these ripping stuffs off. Hugs to all of you.

auntie p said...

MaoMao is very smart....and probably very miserable that he wants to get rid of that collar.

Good luck!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Just posted Maomao to our Pet Prayer & Praise blog.

Hope she is doing better. We have another little kitty, Bugby who is doing the same thing.

Keep us posted.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Hi, I've been following Maomao's story for a few days, hope she is better. That is one determined little cat.

I have her posted on our Pet Prayer & Praises blog on the prayer list. Her case is similar to another recovering cat (hit by a car) who keeps pulling the staples out, Bugby. Although I think Maomao is the worst patient ever!
Please keep me updated on her progress, poor little girl. And hang in there.